Monday, February 3, 2014

Candied Heart Beets

Yes, candied heart beets. What a fun name!!! Since I promised myself to eat more veggies and fruits for my 2014 new year's resolution, I've been looking out for new veggies and fruits that I have yet tried. One of them was beets. But I seriously didn't know what to do with the beets. I didn't know how to cook them or to eat them.

With the Valentine's day approaching, I decided to give the beets a try. I bought a bunch home, but I kept passing them, sitting in my veggie basket. Contemplating!!! Then it occurred to me. "Hey, maybe I can dried them into chips like I did with the old apples." Oh boy!!! Did I find something sweeter AND healthy for my kids and me!!!

I made just enough to fill up one tray. Feel free to double or triple the recipe. The baking time really depends on how thick the beet slices are.

Candied Heart Beets
serve 2

2-3 raw beets
1/2 Tablespoon granulated sugar
  1. Preheat the oven to 225°F degrees.
  2. Line the baking sheet with parchment paper. Set aside
  3. Wash and peel the beets.
  4. Thinly slice the beets with a vegetable peeler or a knife, making sure they are the same thickness. A mandolin slicer would work too.
  5. Using a heart shape cookie cutter, cut the beet slices into heart shapes.
  6. Coat each beet slice with the sugar on both sides.
  7. Arrange the slices onto the prepared baking sheet, a few centimeter apart. NOTE: I also baked the scrapes of the beets without sugar. I grinded them to make beet powder for future baking when red food coloring is called for.
  8. Bake the beet slices in a preheated oven for an hour.
  9. Turn off the oven but leave the beet slices into the oven until crispy, about 2 hours or overnight. NOTE: The baking time for making candied heart beets really depends on the thickness of the beet slices. Be sure to check each beet slice for the crispiness to the touch before baking them longer. If the beet slices are still soft to touch, turn the oven on to 225°F degrees then turn it off as soon as the oven is preheated. Leave the beet slices in the oven for another hour.
  10. Enjoy or store them in an airtight container at room temperature.
Allergy Info: These candied heart beets are free from or can be make without dairy, eggs, corn, legumes (soy), wheat, nuts, and fish. Told ya these beets are healthy snack!!!

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